Are you the owner of an industrial or commercial property, or is your organisation considering taking on premises which are in need of repair or refurbishment?
Are you a tenant nearing the end of your lease, with obligation of restoring your current property to its original state?
If so, corrective works could well be required in the following areas to name but a few:
- Civil works - remedial works to floor slab for example.
- Dismantle, removal or relocation of fixtures - racking, sprinklers, mezzanine flooring, machinery etc?
- Dismantle, removal or relocation of fittings - office partition, furniture, lighting, charging stations etc?
- Small building works - damaged building fabric, roller shutter doors etc?

If dilapidations are concerning you, please give us a call immediately. Logical Storage Solutions can assist in planning your exit strategy in a logical, cost effective manner, whilst at the same time meeting all of your contractual commitments.