Carton Flow, or Carton Live, is an ingenious system that allows product to automatically flow from the rear to the front of the shelving.
High quality roller tracks are installed into standard rack framework. This allows the operator to hand load product into the rear of the system, stand back, and watch it effortlessly glide forward towards the front of the rack! From there, the product is retrieved by another operator.
The advantages of this system, when compared to traditional static shelving, are as follows:
- Stock replenishment times drastically reduced
- Stock always available for picking - huge imporvement on pick rates
- FIFO (First in : First Out) principle
- Excellent control of production batches and expiry dates
- Significant reduction in travel times
- Separate loading and order picking aisles give increased productivity
- Up to 30% floor space savings

Of course, as with any dynamic storage system, initial investment costs are higher, compared with static storage systems. However, you'll be pleased to hear that this is more than compensated by huge improvements in efficiency.