You'd think there would just be one kind of pallet racking system available, wouldn't you? Wrong! Pallet racking comes in all colours, shapes and sizes!
Here is a selection of the different pallet racking systems available:
- Wide Aisle
- Very Narrow Aisle (VNA)
- Double-deep
- Drive in / Drive through
- Dynamic push back
- Dynamic pallet flow
- Mobile
- Shuttle

Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify exactly which particular variant of this essential warehouse product you may require. For example, do you need standard wide-aisle racking, or would drive-in racking be better suited? But, then again, instead of drive-in racking, why not use dynamic push-back racking instead? We think you get the picture!
Thankfully, Logical Storage Solutions' experienced and helpful staff are at hand to guide you through the process. Remember, at Logical Storage Solutions, we do not do "one size fits all".
All of our products meet the stringent standards of FEM, the European industry watchdog, to ensure racking safety. Get in touch with us today for free and independent advice. That's what we're here for!