Archive for June, 2024

Posted on: June 28th, 2024 by admin No Comments

From Chaos To Order: Warehouse Storage Transformation

In the busy world of logistics and supply chain management, the key to success is having an organised warehouse storage space. A well-organised, efficiently operated warehouse is important when it comes to having a competitive edge and delivering a first-class experience for customers. Let’s have a look at how you can transform your warehouse in order to revolutionise your delivery chain.

Assessment & Planning

Before you start changing your warehouse arrangement, the first thing to do is assess your existing setup. What works and what doesn’t? Are there any bottlenecks that are reducing the efficiency of current operations? By identifying any pain points and areas for improvement, you can start putting together a comprehensive plan which should include specific goals. Think about any areas that need to be more accessible – are your best sellers easy to pick, is the space being utilised to its full potential?

Optimised Layout

The foundation of any successful warehouse is a well-designed layout. There are a few techniques that can help with this:

  1. ABC analysis: ranking inventory based on level of importance.
  2. Slotting optimisation: placing high-demand items in easily accessible locations.
  3. Zoning: designing specific areas for certain product categories.

The layout needs to optimise the movement of goods throughout the warehouse, ensuring there is enough space for personnel to transport around the warehouse too. Technology and automation can be brought in here, reducing costs and controlling operations.

Storage Solutions

Once you have a solid plan in place, it is time to think about the storage solutions that align with the specific needs of your warehouse. It may be that you need to install a racking system, shelving units, or automated storage and retrieval systems. By utilising vertical space and making the most out of the cubic footage you have, storage capacity can be easily increased without having to purchase additional warehouse space.

When it comes to storing products, implementing labelling systems and using inventory tracking software can really help improve the accuracy of product placement and retrieval.

Standardised Processes

To move away from a chaotic warehouse solution, it is really important to put policies and procedures in place. With clear guidelines for staff to follow, the picking, storage and shipping of goods will be so much easier and errors will be minimised. Training should be given to staff too, and needs to include things like handling techniques for heavy goods, guides on equipment operation, and safety procedures.

Warehouse Software

Management software programs and systems can help optimise warehouse operations by automating processes such as stock control, orders and delivery options. By automating certain areas of the business, this will give staff more time to focus on the jobs which bring in a higher return on investment. Warehouse management software can also help with the optimisation of the warehouse space.

Continuous Improvements

Warehouse storage transformation isn’t something that you carry out once and then leave, it is a continuous journey where small improvements are made regularly. Take time to regularly evaluate operations and review performance metrics as this will help you identify areas that need improving. Staying ahead of industry trends and technological developments will also help your warehouse remain agile and responsive to changing requirements.

With careful planning and strategy, warehouse storage transformation is entirely possible and can help improve the efficiency of your business. For more advice on making improvements to your warehouse, get in touch with Logical Storage Solutions. Our expert team are on hand to find a solution to any storage problem, so call us on 0845 689 1300, or email [email protected].

Offering a consultative approach and nationwide service for all single and multi-site operations, we are your one-stop provider of all storage, workspace and maintenance solutions.

Posted on: June 28th, 2024 by admin No Comments

Maximising Profitability Through Efficient Warehouse Storage

When it comes to warehouse storage there are so many options available, and choosing the right combination can help improve both operational efficiency and profitability. With the skyrocketing costs of warehouse space, the more you can store in a small area the better. In order to overcome space utilisation issues, we have put together this guide on improving your warehouse storage.

Implications of Utilising Warehouse Space

Space utilisation refers to how effectively the available storage space is used. With every square foot of the warehouse equating to a financial overhead, you need to ensure a positive return on your investment is being generated. Mismanagement of space can also lead to bigger issues: disorganised workspaces, longer retrieval times, increased labour costs and an increased risk of accidents.

An organised warehouse can dramatically speed up order fulfilment, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction. Optimising warehouse space isn’t just a logistical concern, it is a strategic tool to help you get ahead of the competition.

Bottlenecks in Warehouse Spaces

There are several challenges when it comes to maximising warehouse storage, let’s have a look at these in more detail:

1. Overstocking

Lots of warehouses have thousands of products sitting there, idle and not being sold. As well as this costing businesses money, having stock sat around absorbs space that could be better used.

2. Inadequate warehouse layout

When creating a warehouse space for your business, it is essential to think about long-term plans such as scalability. A warehouse design that is rigid and doesn’t have the ability to adapt can not only hinder business growth, but also make it hard to adjust to changes in stock needs.

3. Physical limitations

There are also physical limitations of warehouses – building height, column placement and door size, which can all affect how the space is utilised. Taking these into account when reviewing your warehouse storage will allow you to use the space optimally.

Maximising Warehouse Space Utilisation

To get the most out of your warehouse space, here are a few tips:

1. Organise products based on type

The organisation of products within your warehouse is key. An inconsistent, messy layout makes it harder for employees to find products and can therefore delay operations.

2. Neatly & logically arrange

There should be some logic behind how your products are stored within the warehouse too. For example, sorting products based on their manufacturer or product name. They should also be stored neatly in order to create a safer environment for employees, helping to make their jobs easier.

3. Create a plan for unused space

If you have storage racks that are underfilled, don’t put other products straight into that space, make a note of this for a later date. This means that by making a note of your used and unused warehouse space, you can plan around the arrival of new products more easily.

4. Eliminate excess inventory

Not all of the products within your warehouse will be top sellers and there may be some times when you have too much stock of a non-selling product in your warehouse, taking up valuable space. Sometimes you have to simply eliminate excess inventory to make more efficient use of your warehouse storage space.

5. Minimise aisle widths

If you can, move your storage racks closer together to make your aisles as narrow as possible. This will increase the amount of storage space in your warehouse, but when minimising aisle widths make sure you can still fit forklifts through.

6. Utilise vertical space

If you are running out of space on the ground, consider expanding upwards if possible. By adding taller storage racks with more levels, you can easily increase your warehouse storage capacity, allowing for the storage of more products.

7. Stick to one method of organisation

There are two main methods of organising your warehouse’s contents: random & fixed organisation. Random is where you put products wherever they will fit, so you can efficiently use all of your available storage space. However, this can be a nightmare when it comes to locating products. Fixed organisation is consistently applied to your entire warehouse inventory, and while it can create some wasted space it makes it much easier to retrieve products.

We hope this has helped to give you some ideas on making your warehouse storage more profitable. For more advice on making improvements to your warehouse, get in touch with Logical Storage Solutions. Our expert team are on hand to find a solution to any storage problem, so call us on 0845 689 1300, or email [email protected].

Offering a consultative approach and nationwide service for all single and multi-site operations, we are your one-stop provider of all storage, workspace and maintenance solutions.